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October 17, 2024

7 Ways Drivers can Prevent Pedestrian Accidents

Roads, streets, and highways are public property, i.e. all citizens possess the same rights as far as their usage is concerned. Whether you ride a bicycle, haul an ice-cream van, collect garbage in a commercial vehicle, travel by foot, or drive a Bugatti, it is your duty to co-operate with other people who use the same roads and consider everyone’s safety in your actions. It is significant to acknowledge that pedestrians encounter the highest risk in traffic accidents. They don’t have a vehicle’s body, seatbelt, or air bags to protect them from injuries resulting from the crash.

According to Auto Accident Attorney in Louisville, KY, pedestrians who are run over or hit by vehicles are always entitled to personal injury compensation in lieu of their extensive damages. If you don’t want to be one of those drivers who took a pedestrian’s life or left them incapacitated because of mere negligence, here’s what you can do:

1. Quit Speeding

Most drivers go 5-15mph above the speed limit. This is common practice that rarely gets them into trouble with the law or causes any nuisance to fellow drivers. In fact, you are more likely to stand out if you are obeying the speed limit or driving slower. What drivers do not realize is that the suggested speed limit is calculated by experts to minimize probability of fatalities.

When you drive above the mentioned limit, you lower the allotted reaction time to deal with an obstacle or anomaly. Therefore, if a pedestrian appears out of nowhere, you may not be able to apply the brakes and stop in time; a fraction of a second can make all the difference.

2. Drive Sober

You endanger many lives, including yours, when you decide to drive while you are drunk or intoxicated. Even if you just had one drink or a few whiffs of pot, better stay where you are or have someone completely sober drive you home. If you don’t drive sober, pedestrians are most susceptible to harm, as they won’t be quick enough to get out of your way.

3. Obey Traffic Signs

Traffic signs along the road are placed for a reason. If signs warn you of obstacles ahead or you notice barriers clocking an area, try not to be rebellious. Ignoring traffic signs or opposing them can put you and others in harm’s way. Pay extra attention to road signs at locations where heavy pedestrian traffic is expected.

4. Show some Patience

If you notice a crosswalk ahead, do not accelerate in order to pass it before a pedestrian appears. You are not required to stop as soon as you see someone step onto the cross walk. You can simply slow down if you are not that close. If an elderly, blind, disabled, or child is using the crosswalk, exercise some patient. Giving them a minute or two to get across safely isn’t going to kill you.

5. Warn through Signaling

Most of the time, pedestrians have an automatic right of way. If you are not sure about the pedestrian’s intentions, signal them for fair warning. They are most likely to make eye contact if they want your attention. You can press the horn or wave at them if they don’t seem to have noticed you.

6. Slowdown in School Zones

If you are driving around a school district, look out for children and school buses. It is advised to slow down in these areas because many kids do not understand traffic rules. They may run aimlessly or not look both ways before moving.

7. Don’t drive in Bad Weather

If there is rain, fog, or snow outside, chances are that you and the pedestrian won’t see each other clearly. Try to avoid driving in bad weather or take necessary precautions, such as investing in high beam headlights.

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