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October 17, 2024
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Secret Vastu Shastra Tips of the  Lucky 7 Horses Painting

7 horses painting

Nowadays people pick up myths related to life, love, and philosophy. Myths are usually said to be traditional based stories that are going on for ages and ages now. It is observed that modern culture has a more profound purpose in ancient times, as they are sacred tales that explain the world. Myth is usually related to various cultures as well as human souls. Be it angel numbers or any other traditions each of them has a particular meaning related to life. The word “Myth” has itself derived from the Greek mythos which has a wide range of specific meanings. Such myths portray fantastic events with no proof though, as they are simple stories with no factual basis. 

Myths and stories are said to be 2 different things. The fairytales, folk stories, and religious stories still exist in the minds of people as they have a fixed mindset on particular things. Some customs and strong beliefs can never be changed as per people these days due to the historical origin of the concept which adds more power to such concepts overall. There are usually 3 types of myths, they are Etiological myths, historical myths, and psychological myths preferably. People in today’s generation still believe in Vastu for keeping certain things in your house, whether it is painting or placement of your small temple in your house for Hindu gods or be it Muslims keeping Rozas during the Eid festival, fasting the whole day without even a single drop of water. Such are the customs and traditions that have been respected for ages now.

 Also, the next generation and the current generation are taught to follow these traditions even though they don’t believe them. For Muslims, Bengalis or be it any Hindu customs,  It is known that fasting during their festivals helps you gain success, and wealth and keeps up good health. Some people still believe this while some people do not. But one must know that it is necessary to follow at least some particular traditions for your good. If you respect your culture and religion then in return you will surely get good fruits for your efforts. People who know the meaning of an actual struggle in life, only strongly believe in such tragedies.

Another such tragedy or myth that people have had in their minds for ages now is keeping a “7 horses painting”  in their house. It is said to be lucky and to bring good fortune, love, and light to your life.

As you know paintings are excellent decor for your house. Handling your house decor isn’t that easy task as every decor has a specific reason for your house. It’s believed that according to Vastu shastra, certain types of paintings attract quite positive energy in your life. Some people prefer to keep a painting of  Lord Buddha who is particularly known for spreading peace and light in one’s life while some prefer to keep a painting of “7 horses” which is said to be in religious cultures as it attracts positive energy to your home.”Seven horses images” are very famous worldwide.

7 Running Horse’s Significance 

There are usually many things that bring positivity to your life, one of them is a hanging picture of seven galloping horses in the house which is believed to bring a lot of abundance as well as good vibes as per Vastu Shastra. While talking about Vastu shastra it brings numerous aspects which are crucial ranging from the direction of the particular things or icons that one places in the house. The “seven horse painting” is said to be one of the most crucial parts of Vastu shastra which is still the talk of the town when one buys new decorations. It particularly symbolizes success, peace, progress, and many more positive affirmations altogether. They are known to be the “Lucky seven horses“. The auspicious nature of these horses is matched with optimum “7 horses” strength.

Importance of 7 Horses Painting

Running horses usually signify speed, hanging them in your room or office in the east direction or wall will bring speed to any stuck activity or progress of a person.

Horses usually were used as a mode of transport and it is a direct symbolization of the goddess Venus hence its placement is known to be very auspicious.

7 horse images” also signifies strong monetary benefits to people. According to myths, it is a must to consider the position of the planet Venus when hanging a painting of 7 galloping horses as they represent the planet which is known for love. The “seven horses pictures” eliminate negative energy which is why it is portrayed as a perfect choice for house decor.

Seven horses placement according to Vastu

If one keeps it in the:

  • South: It will bring success and fame
  • North: It will bring prosperity to the family.
  • East: It will bring career growth 

Placement of the Seven Horses

7 horses painting Vastu direction” suggests that the placement of the painting should never be in the bedroom, the puja room, study room, washroom, etc but rather in the living room. It should be placed according to the Vastu recommended directions overall. The ideal place to put up the painting should be south as it will bring success and fame. One must avoid placing it near the window or main entrance. While talking about placing it in your office, then you should place it in the south as it represents a lot of success, if the given location is unavailable then you can also put it up on the east wall too. You must also make sure that the painting faces the inside of the office and not the outside.

Some of the Vastu tips for placement of the painting

  • While placing the 7 running horses in the recommended Vastu direction, the horses in the photo should be running in a straight line without any obstacles m 
  • They should be depicted as running over the ground
  • It is good to select a frame with odd number of horses 
  • One must ensure that the painting should not have any incomplete image of the horses
  • Seven horses depicted with a red background will have an influence on the planet Mars which helps in increasing self-esteem.
  • Seven horses depicted with a blue background will influence Saturn which invited peace and harmony.
  • The size of the painting should be accurate.
  • One must choose the right medium for the painting such as canvas and wood and not paper.

You must keep a painting of 7 white horses as this colour represents peace and purity to all levels and attracts positive vibes!!

Secret Vastu Shastra Tips of the  Lucky 7 Horses Painting
Article Name
Secret Vastu Shastra Tips of the  Lucky 7 Horses Painting
"7 horse images" also signifies strong monetary benefits to people. According to myths, it is a must to consider the position of the planet Venus when hanging a painting of 7 galloping horses as they represent the planet which is known for love. The "seven horses pictures" eliminate negative energy which is why it is portrayed as a perfect choice for house decor.
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Globalblog Hub
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