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October 17, 2024

The Importance Of Buyer Persona In Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Do you know who the buyer persona of your business is? If you still don’t know what he is like, what his interests are, how he behaves and what concerns he has, your online marketing strategy may not be as effective as you would like.

In this article we explain the importance of defining your buyer persona exactly to develop effective marketing strategies.

What is the buyer person?

Traditionally, in marketing, the term target is used to refer to the target audience of a business. The target audience is made up of a group of users who may be interested in our products or services.

All these users that make up our target have certain common characteristics, which may be age, sex, the place where they live, their profession and other sociodemographic aspects. For example, a high-end cosmetics business could define its target as the group of women from 30 years of age with medium and high purchasing power.

So, how is the buyer persona different from the target audience?

The buyer persona delves deeper into the profile of the target and includes other information of a more emotional nature. It is about defining what our ideal client is like beyond their income or their age. To know our buyer persona we must ask ourselves how he behaves, what are his hobbies, his motivations and his interests.

Ultimately, it is about understanding how we can help you solve your problems and meet your expectations. It is this deeper knowledge that can help us connect with the more subjective side of our ideal client.

Why is it important to define the buyer person?

The creation of the buyer person is a fundamental step within any online marketing strategy for several reasons. By correctly defining our ideal client, we will be able to get the right message across to have a better chance of success.

These are the main advantages of meeting our ideal client.

Realistic knowledge of our audience

By developing the buyer persona profile, we obtain very valuable information that helps us to get to know our potential customers in a more realistic way.

Content adapted to the profile

Knowing our ideal client allows us to adapt the contents of our marketing strategy and align them with their concerns so that our brand becomes a benchmark.

Find our buyer persona on the Internet

Each buyer persona profile has a way of behaving on the Internet. If we know how he interacts on the web, we will know which channels are the most appropriate to connect with him.

Optimize resources

Correctly preparing the buyer persona profile serves to develop a more efficient online marketing strategy, which will save time and money.

Do you want to know how you can determine the buyer persona profile to connect with your real audience in the most effective way? We will explain it to you below.

How do you create a buyer persona profile?

There is no single way to define the buyer persona. Depending on the sector of your business, your products or services, you may have one or more ideal customer profiles. To define them you need to deepen your knowledge, which takes time.

Here are some suggestions for creating a buyer persona profile.

Ask yourself some basic questions

You can start as you would to define your target, asking yourself some essential questions about your audience:

  • Demographic data, such as age, gender, and place of residence
  • Sociological data, such as type of employment and level of studies
  • What channels do you use to obtain information?
  • What are your concerns, needs and interests?
  • What problem would it solve with your product or service?
  • What drawbacks or obstacles they may encounter to buy your product or service

Consult your current clients

Your client portfolio is a powerful source of information to better know your buyer persona. Check with them to find out what their interests and concerns are. If you haven’t started your business yet, you can research your competitors. Find out what their customers are like, what they say about those brands and where they move.

You can also search for your audience on social networks to find out what they like, who they follow and, ultimately, what their activity is.

Create cards with your buyer personas

Once you have collected as much information as possible about your ideal client, organize the aspects they have in common into tabs to create each profile. In this process it is very useful to personalize each type as much as possible with a name (fictitious), profession, hobbies and expectations. For example: Ana is a lawyer, vegetarian, has an electric vehicle and works with an animal shelter.

When you have created and organized your profiles into tabs, you will have an overview that will help you better design your online marketing strategy.

According to Wonder Animation Defining the buyer persona of your business is essential to connect with your audience and that it, in turn, considers you a reference and recommends you. The more engagement you can generate, the more relevant your brand will get.